Learning to Learn
To prepare students ready to learn meaningfully with a proper understanding of the importance of unlearning in learning for continuous growth besides traditional learning.
To create a synergy of learning and unlearning for effective development and living.
To create the ability to glean knowledge and skills from reading, watching, and analyzing to make the learning circuit functional.
Contents to be covered:
Key concept/tools to learn and unlearn, developmental learning for continuous growth
Overview and rationale:
If we think about learning to have two components: one that leads to tool building (information and knowledge) and another that leads to wisdom and transformation (subjective learning ), unlearning is an extraordinarily important component of the second kind. So the phrase ‘learning to learn is more closely related to unlearning through the focus is ‘freeing from what we have learned t’ that keep someone non-judgmental in learning and De-learning.
For example for evolving humanitarian qualities, we must unlearn racism, intolerance, unhealthy criticism, jealousy, and so on.
Mode of class conduction :
Interactive discussions followed by relevant slides and handouts.